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The Developmentally Disabled Waiver (DD Waiver)

The Developmental Disabilities Waiver (DD Waiver) serves individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities (IDD) or specific related conditions that occur before the age of 22. Services provided through the DD Waiver are case management, personal care, residential and day habilitation, living supports, supported employment, community access, environmental modification, behavior support consultation, non-medical transportation, nutritional counseling, personal private duty nursing as well as physical, speech and occupational therapies. The New Mexico Department of Health, Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DOH/DDSD) administers the DD Waiver.

Zuni Entrepreneurial Enterprises (ZEE)/Empowerment Inc. is a non-profit organization incorporated in 1989 to provide persons with intellectual developmental disabilities needed services to enhance and empower them to become involved in their community and to be as independent as possible.


Services currently provided by the organization include the following:

Customized Community Support Service:

Customized Community Supports (CCS) for adults are designed to assist an individual to: increase their independence and potentially reduce the amount of paid supports, establish or strengthen interpersonal relationships, join social networks, and participate in typical community life.

Customized In-Home Support Service:


Customized In-Home Supports (CIHS) are intermittent services and/or supports that are individually designed to instruct or enhance home living skills, community skills and to address health and safety as needed. Customized In-Home Supports provides individuals the opportunity to design and manage the services and/or supports needed to live in their own home or their family home.


Living Supports - Family Living:

Living Supports - Family Living (FL) are residential habilitation services that are individually tailored to assist DD Waiver recipients 18 years of age or older who are assessed to need daily support and/or supervision with the acquisition, retention, or improvement of skills related to living in the community to prevent institutionalization. Living Supports include residential instruction that is intended to increase and promote independence and to support individuals to live as independently as possible in the community in a setting of their own choice.


Respite Service:


Respite is a flexible, family support service. The primary purpose of respite is to provide support to the individual and give the primary unpaid caregiver time away from their duties. Respite services include assisting with routine activities of daily living (e.g., bathing, toileting, preparing or assisting with meal preparation, and eating), enhancing self-help skills, increasing social and community awareness; providing opportunities for leisure, play, neighborhood involvement and other recreational and social activities; and providing opportunities for the individual to make their own choices with regard to daily activities. 

These services are provided in accordance with the eligibility criteria established by the State of New Mexico through the Department of Health, Developmental Disabilities Support Division Medicaid Wavier Program. Services offered by Zuni Entrepreneurial Enterprises (ZEE)/Empowerment Inc. are through a provider agreement with the State of New Mexico - Department of Health. 

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"Creating Independence through Involvement"    

604 E. Coal Ave Gallup, NM 87301

Tel: (505) 863-7444 Fax:(505)863-4590


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